Day 67 | 30.06.2007 | Dogon country
Truth is that heading to Dogon country, I believed I would find a civilization transformed by tourism. Locals at Bamako warned us that Dogon people care just for money, so […]
Day 61 | 24.06.2007 | Exotic Bamako
Truth is that Bamako is like a huge village more than a capital. We arrived yesterday evening after a nice route, a little bit on gravel a little bit on […]
Day 59 | 22.06.2007 | Off-road to Bamako
Off-road you say? 187 km. in 8 hours we reply! Entering Mali, I was thinking about staying for 2 days in Kayes and after proceeding to Bamako. Akis had his own […]
Day 58 | 21.06.2007 | Mali
We got to Mali We passed the border of Kidira today and we overnight at Fort de Medine, 15 km. out of Kayes The 180 kms. From Tambacounda to the […]
Day 57 | 20.06.2007 | Tambacounda
Just arrived in Tambacounda. One day before entering Mali, we still try to find our pace… Yesterday night it was pretty adventurous… After several hours in front of our VAIO’s […]
Day 56 | 19.06.2007 | Kaolak
Επιτέλους ξεκολλήσαμε, με πόνο ψυχής όμως, από το Ντακάρ. Αφού πήραμε στα χέρια μας τη βίζα για Καμερούν, η οποία δεν ήταν καθόλου φτηνή, θα έλεγα. Μας στοίχισε 100.000 CFA […]
Day 55 | 18.06.2007 | Au revoir Dakar
Today we leave Dakar, even if we don’t want to. Read why… Truth is I didn’t want to stay for long in Dakar. But Vula liked it. Now, I don’t […]
Day 52 | 15.06.2007 | Acclimatised in Dakar
Today we did all our work in the capital and we just start to enjoy it… I was not in a good mood since yesterday, coming to Dakar. Big cities […]
Day 51 | 14.06.2007 | Relaxed in Dakar
Ύστερα από μία ολόκληρη μέρα (χθες) κλεισμένοι στο κάμπινγκ Ocean στο Σαιντ Λουί – γιατί ο Άκης έπρεπε να γράψει και να παραδώσει το κειμενό του στους 4Τροχούς – σήμερα […]
Day 49 | 12.06.2007 | Senegal!
After three days in Nouakchott, we finally drove to Senegal today… In Nouakchott, where we stayed at the camping Menatta, we finally received the brand Carl Zeiss lens from SONY […]
Day 47 | 10.06.2007 | Nouakchott
Λες και ζω το θέατρο του παραλόγου! Το απίστευτο είναι ότι κάνεις τόσα χιλιόμετρα στο πουθενά και φτάνεις εδώ στην Νουακσότ, έχοντας βέβαια στο μυαλό σου ότι θα βρείς πολιτισμό […]
Day 46 | 09.06.2007 | Nouakchott
Today was meant to be a transition day. It proved to be interesting though… This morning we woke up late and after we talked to Michael Fotiadis, said goodbye to […]